Psychosocial support and children’s protection are essential components in addressing the needs of children affected by various forms of adversity, including sexual abuse. Here are some strategies and approaches in providing effective support and protection
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a violation of human rights that disproportionately affects individuals based on their gender identity or expression. It encompasses various forms of violence, including physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse, and is rooted in unequal power dynamics and societal norms that perpetuate discrimination and inequality
women’s economic empowerment is crucial for gender equality and overall societal development. Here are some strategies and initiatives that can promote women’s economic empowerment.
Individual counseling for children, family counseling, and group counseling are all valuable approaches to supporting individuals affected by sexual abuse
In the context of addressing abused and supporting survivors, incorporating art and play therapy, child-friendly space activities, indoor and outdoor games, and library services can be powerful tools for healing, empowerment, and education. Here’s how each of these components can contribute
Tea talk sessions and focus group discussions (FGDs) are effective ways to engage communities in discussions about various topics, including those related to sexual abuse prevention, support for survivors, and related issues. Here’s how these sessions can be organized
Training programs tailored for diverse professions and situations, such as those you mentioned, play a crucial role in addressing and preventing sexual abuse. Here’s a breakdown of how training might look for each group such as teachers or parents .
Our movments is as the strategic use of mass media to advance public policy initiatives. Media advocacy is rooted in community advocacy and has as its goal the promotion of healthy public policies
Community-based child protection mechanisms, such as child parliaments, can play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Here’s how child parliaments and home and school visits can be integrated into a comprehensive child protection strategy.
Child Well Being Ethiopia Media Center (CWBEMC) its main dedication includes expert opinions and discussions with various stakeholders, policymakers, and government bodies.
The purpose of Donation Fund is to help the recipient and to set realistic income to our main goals with respect to the project and many up coming programs.