

Addis Ababa, Bambis, MekaneYesus Bldg 8th Floor

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Our Services

Raise public awareness

Raise public awareness on Child Protection and Child Abuse to help the establishment of a systematic approach to address the medical, psychosocial, and legal needs of child victims

Amplifying Children’s Voices

Amplifying children’s voices in national discussions on ending violence against children

Provide Psychosocial Support

Provide Psychosocial Support (including MHPSS and GBV cases) for children and their families

Provide group counseling

Provide group counseling sessions for children, youth, and their families

Provide Appropriate Training

Provide appropriate training for ROVs, community leaders, and children and youth on PSEA standards, Psychological first aid, GBV and GED

Provide Training for Service

Provide Psychosocial Support (including MHPSS and GBV cases) for children and their families

Child-friendly Spaces

Child-friendly spaces to provide care while family, community, and social structures are being restored

Facilitate referral linkages